The Durutti Column
The Durutti Column
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Discography | The Durutti Column |

01 December 1980

A Factory Quartet

A Factory Quartet
A Factory Quartet
2LP: UK 12.80 (Factory FACT 24)


Disc one

The Durutti Column

For Mimi* (4:32)
For Belgian Friends * (5:23)
Self-Portrait* (4:41)

Kevin Hewick

Rubble (5:48)
1940 (2:27)
A Little Feeling (3:27)
Forget (2:53)
Morphia (3:10)
The Enchanted Kiss (4:15)
Haystack (2:51)

Disc Two


Puppeteer (3:16)
Dyslexia (7:16)
Some Come (2:57)
Benighted (4:25)

The Royal Family and the Poor

Vaneigem Mix */**/*** (6:07)
Death Factory */** (6:07)
Rackets */** (6:35)

* Produced by Martin Hannett
** A Royal Family and the Poor track - 'Dirge' - precedes each of these tracks
*** 'Vaneigem Mix' references Raoul Vaneigem's 'Revolution of Everyday Life'

~ FACT 24 A1, A Porky Prime Cut, LYN-8869, For Who it Says
~ FACT 24 B1, A Porky Prime Cut, LYN-8870, Yip Yip Yip
~ FACT 24 C1, P.O.R.K.Y., LYN-8871, 2, N.A.R.G
~ FACT 24 D1, Porky -, LYN-8872, The Mode of Production Etc...


Design: Anthony Wilson and Peter Saville

Anthony Wilson explains the thinking behind the Factory catalogue number for this release: "It was only when we did the next album that we said 'Well what's this going to be? Well that one was 14, well this could be 24'. And the fact that the second album that Vini was on, was a four sides, with four artists. Two albums, four artists, it was like 'Oh look, 24!' Four artists, two vinyl, how appropriate."

A boxed cassette release was planned (light green colour designation as per a Factory/Ikon advertisement from 1986) but never issued.

Labels: , , , , ,


12.78 | 01.80 | 07.80 | 10.80 | 12.80 | 03.81 | 11.81 | 12.81 | 02.82 | 10.82 | 06.83 | 08.83 | 12.83 | 01.84 | 03.84 | 10.84 | 11.84 | 01.85 | 03.85 | 05.85 | 08.85 | 12.85 | 01.86 | 03.86 | 04.86 | 12.86 | 03.87 | 06.87 | 08.87 | 11.87 | 12.87 | 02.88 | 03.88 | 09.88 | 03.89 | 07.89 | 12.89 | 06.90 | 12.90 | 01.91 | 02.91 | 01.92 | 01.93 | 03.95 | 10.95 | 04.96 | 11.96 | 12.96 | 01.97 | 08.98 | 09.98 | 10.98 | 06.01 | 02.02 | 07.02 | 03.03 | 08.03 | 04.04 | 05.04 | 10.04 | 03.05 | 01.06 | 07.06 | 11.06 | 07.07 | 02.08 | 04.08 | 06.08 | 08.08 | 12.08 | 05.09 | 07.09 | 09.09 | 04.10 | 05.10 | 07.10 | 08.10 | 02.11 | 04.11 | 11.11 | 04.12 | 02.13 | 04.13 | 12.13 | 03.14 | 06.14 | 09.14 | 12.14 | 07.15 | 11.15 | 12.15 | 02.16 | 03.16 | 05.16 | 07.16 | 03.17 | 04.17 | 09.17 | 10.17 | 11.17 | 03.18 | 05.18 | 12.18 | 01.19 | 03.19 | 06.19 | 08.19 | 09.19 | 10.19 | 02.20 | 03.20 | 06.20 | 07.20 | 10.20 | 11.20 | 01.21 | 02.21 | 02.23 | 04.23 | 05.23 | 04.24 |
The Durutti Column

Category Index



2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1978


A-Z index of major releases



Please note that this discography is a work in progress. If the release you are looking for is not listed here we refer you to
UPDATE May 2024: Discography updates in progress. Work completed to fix indexes due to FeedBurner being shut down. The index running in reverse chronological order is still unavailable. Please use the year-by-year and category indexes which enable searching by record label, year and format. There is also an A-Z index which groups all major releases by name for easy reference.


With many thanks to Andrea Bianco (DC collector extraordinaire) and Rob Stanzel (for being there first).
The Durutti Column - Faith