Sonora (magazine with free cd); front cover
Sonora (magazine with free cd); cd front cover
Sonora (magazine with free cd); cd front cover
Our Lady [3:49]
Documento sonoro allegato gratuito a Sonora N. 1/90
Pubbl. Trimestrale registrata al Trib di Arezzo
N. 13 del 15.06.90
Dir. Resp. Stefano Saletti
English translation
Sonic document attached free to sonora 1/90.
Published 3 time a year.
No. 13, 15 June 1990
Supervised by Stefano Saletti.
Not for sale.
Materiali Sonori magazine with free cd featuring The Durutti Column, Steven Brown & Blaine L. Reininger, In The Nursery, and many more artists.
Labels: 1990, CD, compilation_appearance, Materiali_Sonori